Glazed Parsnips

IMG_6204This time of year, it’s all about root vegetables.  The more of them we eat, the better we’ll be able to handle spring when it comes.  Which is not today. winter day 2014 02 24

This is how Mom used to cook parsnips, glazed in a cast iron frying pan.  It is still my favourite way to eat them.

Parsnips have a flavour that is so different from any other root veg, sweet and earthy.  They’re an old historic vegetable, used as both a sweetener and sustenance.  They add depth to mixed vegetable dishes, such as roasted roots or a good bordelaise mirepoix.

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Serves 4


1½# parsnips

2 c beef stock or roasted veg stock (dark)

2 T balsamic vinegar ~ (Mom didn’t add this, as we hadn’t even heard of it back then.)


Peel and trim the parsnips.

Cut into ½” rodsIMG_6184

Place in a skillet with the stock.IMG_6188

Bring to a boil.

Reduce the heat, cover, and simmer over medium-low heat for about 10 minutes.

Uncover, and increase the heat to medium.IMG_6191

Add in the balsamic vinegar.

Turning occasionally, continue cooking until all the liquid has evaporated, and the parsnips are glazed.IMG_6193

Eat while hot.

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